Data Structures with Go

The Complete Catalog

Aahan Singh
2 min readJun 27, 2021
Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

All code for this series can be found here.

The Complete Catalog:

  1. 🔗 Singly Linked Lists
  2. Linked List Variants: Doubly Linked & Circular
  3. 🚨 Bonus: Memory Efficient Doubly Linked Lists
  4. 📚Stacks: Using arrays

A brief history of why I do dis

I’ve recently started learning Kubernetes. It is an amazing tool that was used by Google for “running production workloads at scale internally” before they outsourced it. On diving deeper I learned that it was written in this new and mysterious (to me at least) language Go. At the time, I also started looking at other Cloud Native tools such as ArgoCD, Kubeflow, Istio, Linkerd, and a bunch more. One thing that is common to all these tools was that they were all written in ………. you guessed it Go.

Such Go Much wow

Why do 99.9% (don't quote me on this hehe) of cloud-native apps use Go? You best believe I was going to find out. And what better way to learn a new language than to implement the basics from grad school. Everyone, it's CompScience 101 time, lets get into Data Structures with Go.

Wow nice story m8, but why do you have this page?

Great question. I’m going to use this page as a sort of Table of Contents. I will update this periodically, adding links to new pages covering different topics as I get them done. This page is a living document.

Note: You dont need to know anything about go to start this tutorial. Although some elementary knowledge of data structures will help, I’m going to lay everything out as clearly and simply as I can.

Other links to cool articles:

  1. Pretty good article on why you should learn go:

If you enjoyed reading this article or if it helped you in any way, a 👏 is appreciated. Do share this article with others who may be interested in the topic too.

Stay in touch with me on Linkedin and Twitter. Follow me on GitHub.



Aahan Singh

I’m a Machine Learning Engineer. I write about programming and MLOps. 🤖